Thigh Lift Istanbul

Pina Aesthetic is a leading medical company in Europe that provides high-quality thigh lift surgery. Many people who want to improve the shape of their thighs choose to have thigh lift surgery in Istanbul, where the prices are more affordable. 

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What is Thigh Lift Surgery?

Thigh lift surgery, or thighplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the inner thighs and improves their shape and contour. Thigh lift surgery in Istanbul is offered by Pina Aesthetic, a clinic that specializes in body contouring surgeries. Thigh lift surgery can help patients who have sagging or drooping skin on their thighs due to weight loss, aging, or genetics. Depending on the amount of skin to be removed, the incision for thigh lift surgery may run along the inner thigh from the groin to the knee, or may be limited to the groin area only. The scars from thigh lift surgery will fade over time and become less noticeable. Thigh lift surgery can enhance the appearance and comfort of the thighs.


Techniques of Thigh Lift Surgery

The procedure of thigh lift in Turkey varies depending on the area to be treated and the amount of excess skin to be removed. The incision for thigh lift in Turkey is designed to suit the individual needs of each patient.

Inner thigh lift incision

A thigh lift abroad can help you achieve a more toned and contoured appearance of your legs. There are different types of thigh lift procedures that can be performed in Istanbul, depending on your needs and goals.

One option is to make incisions on the groin area that go down and wrap around the back of the thigh. This allows the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper and outer thighs.

Another option is to make an incision from the groin to the kneecap, which removes excess skin and fat from the entire thigh.

If you have minimal sagging, you may be eligible for a minimal incision technique that only involves an incision on the groin. Your Pina Aesthetic surgeon will evaluate your condition and recommend the best technique for you.

Outer thigh lift incision

To contour the outer thigh area, a cut may go from the groin around the hip and to the back.

Thigh Lift Turkey by Pina Aesthetic Istanbul

If you are looking for a way to improve the appearance of your thighs, you might want to consider having a thigh lift surgery in Istanbul. Pina Aesthetic offers you the chance to work with highly skilled and experienced surgeons who can remove the excess skin from your thighs and give you a more toned and smooth look. You can also combine your thigh lift surgery with thigh liposuction surgery abroad to enhance the results and get rid of unwanted fat. Pina Aesthetic provides you with the best thigh lift price and quality service. You can recover from your thigh lift surgery in Istanbul in a comfortable hotel and enjoy the beauty of the city after a day of rest. The surgery usually lasts for 1 to 2 hours and is done under general anaesthesia. You will have some scars after the surgery, but they will fade over time and our surgeons will use the best techniques to make them less visible. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always contact our aftercare team.

Advantages of Thigh Lift Surgery in Turkey Assisted by Pina Aesthetic

You can trust the best plastic surgeons in Turkey to perform your thigh lift surgery abroad with excellent results.

Thigh lift in Istanbul with Pina Aesthetic gives you the best deal:
  • 6 nights of accommodation at a 5-star hotel
  • 1-night hospital stay
  • All Transfers
  • Personal host
  • Special group discount
  • Free check-ups and regular follow-ups
  • With Pina Aesthetic, you will enjoy all these benefits when you choose thigh lift surgery abroad.

Thigh Lift Surgery Results 

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your thighs? Do you want to get rid of excess skin and fat and achieve a more toned and contoured look? If so, you may be interested in a thigh lift surgery in Turkey. At Pina Aesthetic, we offer high-quality thigh lift surgery in Istanbul with affordable prices and excellent results. Our medical consultants will guide you through the whole process and help you decide if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Some of the benefits of a thigh lift surgery are:

  • Firmer and smoother skin
  •  Reduced scars over time
  •  Slimmer legs
  • Shapelier thighs
  •  No more droopy skin

Don’t let your thighs stop you from feeling confident and beautiful. Contact Pina Aesthetic today and get a personalized treatment plan for your thigh lift surgery in Turkey.

Thigh Lift Recovery

If you choose to have a thigh lift surgery abroad with Pina Aesthetic, you can expect to resume your work in about a week. A thigh lift is a standalone procedure that does not require a long recovery period. However, you should keep in mind that the final outcome will be visible after at least 3 months. The scars will gradually fade as you heal.

Thigh Lift Cost Turkey

If you are looking for a thigh lift surgery in Istanbul, you might be surprised by how affordable it is. Istanbul is a popular destination for plastic surgery, especially thigh lift surgery, because of its high-quality medical services, experienced surgeons, and low prices. You can save up to 70% on your thigh lift costs compared to other countries. Plus, you can enjoy the beauty and culture of this amazing city while you recover.

Pina Aesthetic is a leading clinic for thigh lift surgery in Istanbul. We offer personalized treatment plans that suit your needs and expectations. Whether you need a thigh lift alone or combined with thigh liposuction, we can help you achieve your desired results. Our clinic is accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Health and Economy, which means we provide safe and reliable procedures at an affordable thigh lift cost.


Internationally Certified Doctors

At Pina Aesthetic, we choose our plastic surgeons carefully and make sure they are members of the prestigious EBOPRAS, ISAPS and ASAPS societies.



At Pina Aesthetic, we care about your recovery after the thigh lift surgery. That’s why we schedule the procedure, and monitor your progress regularly.


Medical garments, support bra etc.

You will receive a garment from our partner surgeon if you require one after your procedure. Pina Aesthetic is committed to your comfort and satisfaction.


All transfers with VIP car

Don’t worry about the transportation hassles during your trip. Pina Aesthetic team will take care of all your transfers for a smooth and comfortable journey for your procedure.


International Personal Host

At Pina Aesthetic, we make sure that you have a smooth and comfortable experience with your procedure. You don’t need to worry about any communication problem in our country, as we have a team of professional and friendly staff who can assist you with any questions or concerns.


Accommodation at a 5-Star Hotel

At Pina Aesthetic, we offer you more than just a treatment. We also provide you with cozy lodging at very affordable prices.

Pre&Post-Op Instructions for Thigh Lift Surgery

Before Your Surgery:

Please note:

You must not be pregnant to have this surgery.

Two Weeks Before Your Surgery:

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. They can affect the results of your thigh lift surgery.
Tell your patient service coordinator about any medications or vitamins you are taking.

The Day Before Your Surgery:

Do not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before your surgery.

The Day of Your Surgery:

You can shower in the morning if you wish.
Avoid applying any cosmetics or nail polish before your procedure.
Bring comfortable clothes with you.
Leave your valuables at home.

After Your Surgery:

No alcohol for 2 weeks.
Walk frequently to improve blood flow.
Feeling tired is normal after the surgery.
Drink plenty of water.
Follow your surgeon’s instructions for taking your medications.
Expect some swelling and bruising.
Keep your scars clean and dry.
You will receive instructions from your doctor on when you can take a shower.
Following the post-op instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery.

Thigh Lift Fast Facts

Procedure:Thigh Lift
Duration:1 to 2 hours
Stay:6 nights hotel
Anesthesia:General anaesthesia.
Recovery:1 week to return to work.
What to bringComfortable clothes (sweatshirts, button-down or zipped shirt etc.).
Side effectsDiscomfort, bruising, swelling.
ComplicationsDiscomfort, bruising, swelling.
ExerciseOne month later
ScarsYes (Will fade away by time)
PainYes (Will fade away by time)
Results3 Month (up to 6 months for the final result)
Multiple SurgeriesThigh liposuction